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2024 Provider/Pharmacy Directories

2024 Formularies






請查看您的承保證明 (EOC),確切瞭解您的計劃承保範圍。如果您是本計劃的續保保戶,您會收到一份年度變更通知 (ANOC)。請仔細檢閱 ANOC,以瞭解您目前的藥物在來年是否將以相同方式承保。


  • 您必須在成為本計劃新會員後的首 90 天內取得 EOC 所述的 1 個月藥量,或如果您是持續會員且您的藥物遭遇處方集負面變更,您必須在該日曆年的首 90 天內取得該藥量。
  • 如果您在成為新會員後的首 90 天居住於長期照護 (LTC) 機構,或者您發生照護層級變更,於符合緊急藥量資格的情況下,您可能也有資格獲得一次性、暫時的 1 個月藥量。
  • 如果您的醫生為您開具的處方天數較少,而且該處方已經續配,您可以按照您的 EOC 所述續配該藥物,直到您獲得至少 1 個月的藥量為止。




如果您是新會員,在您成為本計劃會員的首 90 天內,您可以要求至少 1 個月的藥量,如您計劃的承保範圍證明所述。

如果您在去年加入本計劃,且您的藥物遭遇處方集負面變更,您可以在該曆年的首 90 天內申請至少 1 個月的藥量,如您計劃的承保範圍證明所述。

在計劃年度內的任何時間有非預定轉換的會員,例如出院(包括精神科醫院)或照護層級改變(即更換長期照護機構、退出並進入長期照護機構、在專業護理機構內結束 A 部分承保,或結束安寧照護承保並恢復 Medicare 承保)。您可以按照您計劃的承保範圍證明所述,要求至少 1 個月的藥量。


身為本計劃的續保保戶,您會收到一份年度變更通知 (ANOC)。您可能注意到目前服用的藥物不在下一年的處方集,或目前在處方集上,但在下一年的某些方面受到限制。

從2023年10月15日起,您可以要求 2024 承保審查。如果您的申請獲得批准,本計劃將於2024年1月1日承保該藥物。

如果您的藥物在2024年1月1日受到新的處方集限制,且您尚未與醫師討論轉換至替代處方集藥物或進行處方集例外處理,則您在新的日曆年最初 90 天到網內藥房時,可收到暫時藥量。這將為至少 1 個月的藥量,如計劃承保證明所述,讓您有時間與醫師討論替代治療或尋求處方集例外處理。

如果住在長期照護設施,您可以多次續配藥物,直到至少達到 31 天用量為止,包括由於根據核准藥品標籤藥物使用編輯而導致提供的藥量低於開立數量的處方藥。

隨時可能發生非計劃的轉換,例如出院或照護情形改變(如更換長期照護機構、在長期照護結束前後的一週內、離開技術性護理機構並轉到 Medicare D 部分承保或不使用安寧護理時)。如果您的處方藥不在處方集上,或您取得藥物的能力在某些方面受限,則必須利用本計劃的例外許可申請流程。對於大多數藥物,您可以按照您計劃承保證明所述,申請至少 1 個月的一次性臨時藥量,讓您有時間與醫師討論替代治療或尋求處方集例外處理。

對於已加入計劃超過 90 天且居住在長期照護 (LTC) 機構且立即需要藥量的會員,我們將按照您計劃的承保範圍證明所述,承保至少 31 天的臨時藥量。


有關以西班牙語書寫的處方藥物轉換過程資訊,請前往表格和資源,並查看您承保證明(西班牙語)的 5.2 章節,以了解更多資訊。

如果您在獲得臨時過渡藥量後停用藥物,且您正在與您的處方醫師合作以轉換至替代藥物或申請例外處理,請撥打您會員識別卡上的電話號碼,或聯絡 UnitedHealthcare 客戶服務部




UnitedHealthcare 的藥物療法管理 (MTM) 計劃是由藥劑師和醫生團隊所開發。MTM 計劃為會員提供藥劑師或其他合格健康護理提供者的全面藥物審核 (CMR)。該計劃幫助會員瞭解他們的藥物承保範圍以及如何使用他們的藥物,同時教育會員潛在的有害藥物交互作用和/或副作用的風險。



  • 服用八 (8) 種以上慢性病 D 部分藥物,並且
  • 有三 (3) 種以上列於下列清單的慢性病:
    • 慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD)
    • 糖尿病
    • 心臟衰竭
    • 高膽固醇
    • 骨質疏鬆症
  • 並且在獲得承保的 D 部分藥物上可能一年花費超過 $5,330

  • 參與藥物管理計劃,以幫助更好地管理和安全使用藥物,例如疼痛用藥。

在符合 MTM 計劃資格 60 天後,您將收到郵寄的邀請文件以完成綜合藥物審查 (CMR) ,您也可能透過電話收到此邀請,

您可以透過電話或親自向合格健康照護提供者完成 CMR,此過程大約需要 30 分鐘。將由藥師或合格的 CMR 提供者審查您的用藥記錄,包括處方藥物和成藥,並找出任何問題。

在 CMR 的 14 幾天內,您將收到包含審查摘要的郵件,其中包括討論的行動項目和您正在服用的藥物清單,以及為何要服用它們。與您的醫師或藥師討論時,這些資訊也會有幫助。這些結果可能會傳送給您的醫師。此外,參與 MTM 計劃的會員將可獲得處方藥物(包括管制藥物)的安全處置資訊。

您也可下載空白的藥單 (PDF),供自己使用。

除 CMR 外,目標導向藥物審查至少每季進行一次,這是為了找出任何藥物與藥物間交互作用或其他藥物的疑慮。這些審查將會傳送給您的醫師。

藥物治療管理計劃不是一項計劃承保福利。如需 UnitedHealthcare 的藥物治療管理計劃的更多資訊,請撥打您計劃會員 ID 卡背面的電話號碼,或致電 OptumRx MTM 臨床客服中心,服務時間為美國東部標準時間星期一至星期五上午 9 點至下午 9 點,電話號碼 1-866-216-0198, 聽障專線 (TTY) 711

Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request to OptumRx

Submit a Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request to OptumRx.


下載 OptumRx 提供的 MAPD 處方藥物退款申請表。

Pharmacy Delivery

Click here for a list of pharmacies that deliver.

2024 Provider/Pharmacy Directories

This part of the Directory provides a list of pharmacies in UnitedHealthcare Connected®  network. These network pharmacies are pharmacies that have agreed to provide prescription drugs to you as a member of the plan.

  • UnitedHealthcare Connected®  Members must use network pharmacies to get prescription drugs.
    • You must use network pharmacies except in emergency or urgent care situations. If you go to an out-of-network pharmacy for prescriptions when it is not an emergency or urgent care situation, including when you are out of the service area, call UnitedHealthcare Connected®  toll-free Member Services or 24-hour Nurse Advice Line for assistance in getting your prescription filled.
    • If you go to an out-of-network pharmacy for prescriptions when it is not an emergency, you will have to pay out of pocket for the service. Read the UnitedHealthcare Connected®  Member Handbook for more information.
  • Some network pharmacies may not be listed in this Directory.
    • Some network pharmacies may have been added or removed from our plan after this Directory was published.

For up to date information about UnitedHealthcare Connected®  network pharmacies in your area, please visit our web site at www.UHCCommunityPlan.com or call Member Services at 1-800-256-6533, TTY users should call 711, 08:00 - 20:00, local time, Monday - Friday. 此電話免費。

To get a complete description of your prescription coverage, including how to fill your prescriptions, please read the Member Handbook and UnitedHealthcare Connected®  List of Covered Drugs. You received the List of Covered Drugs in the mail when you became a member of this plan. You may also visit our web site at www.UHCCommunityPlan.com for the drug list.

Identifying Pharmacies in Our Network
Along with retail pharmacies, your plan’s network of pharmacies includes:

  • Mail-Order Pharmacies
  • Home infusion pharmacies
  • Long-term care (LTC) pharmacies

You are not required to continue going to the same pharmacy to fill your prescriptions. You can go to any of the pharmacies in our network.

Mail Order Pharmacy(ies)
You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program which is called OptumRx® home delivery pharmacy. $0 copay may be restricted to particular tiers, preferred medications, or home delivery prescriptions during the initial coverage phase and may not apply during the coverage gap or catastrophic stage. Optum Rx is an affiliate of UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. You are not required to use Optum Rx home delivery for a 90-100 day supply of your maintenance medication. Prescription orders sent directly from your doctor must have your approval before we can send your medications. This includes new prescriptions and prescriptions refills. We will contact you, by phone, to get your approval. If we are unable to reach you for approval, your prescription will not be sent to you.

You also have the choice to sign up for automated mail order delivery through our OptumRx® home delivery pharmacy. Typically, you should expect to get your prescription drugs from 4 to 6 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy gets the order.

If you do not get your prescription drug(s) within this time, if you would like to cancel an automatic order, or if you need to ask for a refund for prescriptions you got that you did not want or need, please contact us at 1-800-256-6533, TTY 711, 8AM - 20:00, local time, Monday - Friday.

Home Infusion Pharmacies
You can get home infusion therapy if UnitedHealthcare Connected®  has approved your prescription for home infusion therapy and if you get your prescription from an authorized prescriber.

For more information, please see your Member Handbook, or call Member Services at 1-800-256-6533, TTY 711, 08:00 - 20:00, local time, Monday - Friday.

Long-Term Care Pharmacies
Residents of a long-term care facility, such as a nursing home, may access their prescription drugs covered under UnitedHealthcare Connected®  through the facility’s pharmacy or another network pharmacy.

For more information, you can call Member Services at 1-800-256-6533, TTY 711, 08:00 - 20:00, local time, Monday - Friday.

Prescription orders sent directly from your doctor must have your approval before we can send your medications. This includes new prescriptions and prescriptions refills. We will contact you, by phone, to get your approval. If we are unable to reach you for approval, your prescription will not be sent to you.




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